Sep 27, 2011

Activate Timeline in Facebook

Facebook timeline is an upcoming feature of FACEBOOK which is presently in developers preview phase only. But getting a sneak peek is easy. One just have to own a facebook app. Today I will show you how you can get this timeline! Super cool, let's start.

1. Login to your Facebook.

2. Go to this url.

3. Create New Application.

From the picture above! Just input App Name and NameSpace, be sure that your NameSpace is unique and don't leave it blank because we will need it in OpenGraph. Check also, the check button.

4. There are instances that you account is not verified. You can verify it through mobile or credit cards.

5. After clicking the continue button, input the right captcha!

6. Tick on OpenGraph, just give any words specified there.

8. You can refer to my OpenGraph below!

9. After doing all the above steps. Going back to your Homepage awaits the invitation to use the Timeline! :)

10. Here's my new Homepage using timeline! :)

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